Certificate in Inner Child Work
Take your holistic training to the next level with our professional development courses.
Offer a wider variety of services.
Provide a deeper level of service.
Reach a wider audience.
Increase your client base.
Re-ignite your passion.
Expand your knowledge base.
Build on your skill set.
Develop your holistic counselling skills.
Specialize in niche areas.
So many, if not all, emotional issues and mental health problems can be traced back to childhood trauma. Inner child work is a way of effectively identifying and resolving childhood trauma. It is focused on the experiences, emotions, and unconscious beliefs still being held onto by the adult as a result of childhood experiences. It helps to develop a sense of safety as well as connects us to the joy, innocence, playfulness, openness, and confidence of childhood.
• Types of Childhood Trauma
• Theta waves and the realm of imagination
• The wounded child
• Tools, exercises, and activities for working with the Inner-Child
• Designing Inner-Child healing programs and workshops
Heal Your Inner Child by Glenn Harrold FBSCH Dip C.H.
No pre-requisite.