Certificate in Holistic Marriage and Relationship Counselling
Take your holistic training to the next level with our professional development courses.
Offer a wider variety of services.
Provide a deeper level of service.
Reach a wider audience.
Increase your client base.
Re-ignite your passion.
Expand your knowledge base.
Build on your skill set.
Develop your holistic counselling skills.
Specialize in niche areas.
This course provides students with the skills and information required to counsel married couples, unmarried couples, families, siblings, and others involved in close relationships who are seeking assistance to overcome difficulties within the relationship. In this role the Marriage and Relationship Counsellor will often act as a mediator and will provide the couple (or family) with positive communication skills and life tools to assist them in expressing their emotions in a positive and non-blameful manner, taking responsibility for their part in the relationship breakdown, setting goals and identifying desired outcomes for themselves and the relationship.
Students receive a certificate for each course completed, and certain courses lead to new qualification levels.
• Introduction to holistic marriage and relationship counseling
• Benefits of holistic marriage and relationship counseling
• Issues to consider
• Attachment Styles
• Communication Styles
• Issues for a couple to consider
• Love Maps
• Strategies for success in making marriages work
• Meditation as an effective modality in relationship mediation.
Wired for Love: – How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain Can Help You Defuse Conflicts and Spark Intimacy by Stan Tatkin PsyD. MFT.
Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Course OR Meditation Teacher and Holistic Counseling Skills Course