Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling
Take your holistic training to the next level with our professional development courses.
Offer a wider variety of services.
Provide a deeper level of service.
Reach a wider audience.
Increase your client base.
Re-ignite your passion.
Expand your knowledge base.
Build on your skill set.
Develop your holistic counselling skills.
Specialize in niche areas.
Grief and Loss counseling become necessary when a person is so disabled by their grief and so overwhelmed by their loss, that their normal coping processes are disabled or shut down. People may require Grief and Loss Counselling after the death of a loved one after a long-term relationship ends or even after losing their job. All people experience grief and loss differently. Grief counseling facilitates the expression of emotion and thoughts about the loss, including their feeling sad, anxious, angry, lonely, guilty, relieved, isolated, confused, or numb. Holistic Grief and Loss Counsellors are able to provide clients with coping skills, emotional support, and resources (and sometimes referrals) to help support them through the normal grieving process and also through what is known as ‘complicated grief’ (which occurs when the client gets stuck in or does not progress through, the natural stages of grief on their own.
Students receive a certificate for each course completed, and certain courses lead to new qualification levels.
• Introduction to grief and loss counseling
• What is grief?
• Healing the wounds of grief
• Grief takes time
• The journey through grief
• The role of the holistic grief counselor
• Influencing factors on grieving
• Resources and referrals
• Complicated grief
• Depressive grief and clinical depression
• Dealing with Acute Emergency Situations (AES)
• The grief counselor’s role in AES
• Guidelines for grief counseling
• Counselling the dying
• Taking care of yourself Debriefing
Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Course OR Meditation Teacher and Holistic Counseling Skills Course