Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling Therapy
Take your holistic training to the next level with our professional development courses.
Offer a wider variety of services.
Provide a deeper level of service.
Reach a wider audience.
Increase your client base.
Re-ignite your passion.
Expand your knowledge base.
Build on your skill set.
Develop your holistic counselling skills.
Specialize in niche areas.
This course delves deeper into the practicalities of holistic counseling therapy. You will study communication skills (verbal and nonverbal), building counselor/client relationships, relationship counseling, the holistic counseling process, mental and emotional well being, counseling parents, counseling teenagers, and releasing past trauma.
This course also looks at the important ethical aspects of holistic counseling and will guide you in developing a completely professional practice.
Students receive a certificate for each course completed, and certain courses lead to new qualification levels.
• Introduction to Advanced Holistic Counselling
• Seeing Clients – Individual and Group Therapy
• Humanistic Psychology
• Emotions and Counselling
• Relationship Counselling and Counselling for Couples
Counselling Young Adults
Trauma Counselling
Counselling Clients with Depression
• Running Group Counselling and Therapy Sessions
Fight or Flight and the Relaxation Response Review
• Powerful Tools for Holistic Counselling
• Creative Expression Therapy
The Games People Play by Eric Berne PhD
Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Course OR Meditation Teacher and Holistic Counseling Skills Course